A blog post for a Czech company, Sewio

I’m deeply interested in the gaming industry, and I’ve come across a cool design solution from Nintendo. Games for their ultra-popular mobile console (110+ mil sold units!) are physically published using cartridges. These are small, plastic objects, with dimensions of…
We encounted good — and unfortunately, bad — design every day. With this post I want to kickstart a series presenting those good design examples. I want to present good web and graphic design, cool typographies and UX-related matters. I…
After few months of rethinking and redesigning the page over and over, I’ve finally managed to upload a new design of my page. In my next (or nexter) post I’ll try to explain and depict my process, what was the…
Hi. This is my very first post here. I will do my best to post as often as possible. I want to share details of my latest assignments and write about clients’ stories, as well. I will try to add…